Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Embracing Imperfections

I have been giving quiet a bit of thought to my personal resolutions for 2013 and have struggled to pinpoint very many. As I tucked myself into bed on December 31st, I suddenly had one phrase come across my mind.

Embrace imperfections. 

It's so easy to fall into the trap of  not being ____ enough. Smart, stylish, financially fit, secure, the list goes on. And don't let the idea that achieving whatever "it" is will solve your problems. There is always something, right?

For 2013, I want to re-grasp the ability to accept and even embrace my imperfections. Gwyneth Paltrow (or perhaps someone on her team rather) put together a thorough read on what experts have had to say on the topic. You can read it here. My friend and one-time therapist made me repeat the following affirmation often to myself: "I have the right to be myself without feeling I'm not good enough." I'm sticking to that for the next year and hopefully will garner the strength for more to come.

Have you had to learn this lesson a time or two? What attributes are you hoping to work on this year?

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