Friday, July 19, 2013

Links For Your Weekend

NYCI woke up today to news that New York City is under a heat advisory. It's brutal out there, folks. So pop open a cool can of Diet Coke and huddle next to the air conditioning unit this weekend. But first, some links to kick things off...

It's apricot season and these roasted apricots have my name all over them.

Do you need to switch up your morning routine? Here are some things successful people do first thing in the day.

I wrote this piece on wooden and willow playhouses for Gallant & Jones.

And this one on entertaining and historical TV shows for kids.

Affirmations for those going through a divorce. Expect a post on this soon!

Joanna Goddard kicked off a new series on motherhood around the world, starting with Norway.

Mandy Voisin is coordinating a pen pal program. It is adorable.

Pull off the turban with ease thanks to this video tutorial.

(Photo source: Google Images)

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