Monday, July 8, 2013

How To Take Better iPhone Pictures

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My friend Whitney Taylor posts the most incredible photos on Instagram, all taken with her trusty iPhone. “It makes for a good challenge,” she said about her efforts to use the iPhone as her medium, and it’s a challenge she’s conquering every day.

Today, she’s dishing out three tips for taking better photos using your iPhone…

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1. Note your lighting. It really is all about having a good light source. Natural light offers the most consistent success. When indoors, it's key to open blinds and windows to allow for more light. When outside, mornings and evenings are best for shooting. My least favorite time to photograph is in the afternoon with the noonday sun. Also, one thing about the iPhone is if it’s low light at all, you tend to get a blurry image. It's essential to have a still subject.

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2. Change your angle. When looking to make something artistic, a photographer must consider not only lighting, but the composition as well. The composition of an image can add a unique flare. Try to think of a unique angle, perspective or crop. Sometimes showing less is more. And sometimes documenting a small part is stronger than the whole.

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3. Edit your photos. My favorite apps for editing my pictures is Afterlight. This app is the best “basic” editing app. It gives you complete control over all the image settings, including exposure, brightness, contrast, color saturation and temperature. This app also has a handful of good filters, but I always knock those down to about 50 percent. Afterlight is also what I use to crop and add white borders, allowing for a vertical and horizontal format.

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